Friday 6 February 2015

Silent Killer


*jawab ler bersopan dan doa yang bebaik sedokah namanya*

just random thing which is I always take as a rule when it is needed.

but most of the times I choose to nag...because if everyone gonna stay noise will be produce. hahahaha JK bro!

as I said I will I know this human being are not psychic or having six senses that could read your mind...please do not be too ambitious to think of your silent mode is powerful enough for people to feel guilty or whatever you hope they feel.

Silent is good...but not effective all the human got IGNORANCE as their key for your yup...silent is not always works well on everyone.

people notice doesnt really mean they care...they just feel enough with your drama..

keep going with drama queen.

i love to be the queen


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