Tuesday 24 February 2015



*jawab sayang...tak jawab dose*

just a sharing session tanpa bebelan panjang.

surah Al-Baqarah [2:25]

bila sedih dan rasa macam perlukan nasihat...buka lah kitab cinta ini.

bila rasa nak memahami dan tidak faham dengan kata cinta..
buka lah terjemahannya.

kata kata maha hebat dan maha agung. 

Monday 16 February 2015

Curiosity part 2



now let's talk bout curiosity that killed the damn cat.

once upon a time

there is cat called as ero...he is so damn high with curiosity. He tends to ask for everything.

one fine day, he saw a group of animals in different species gathers front of one man..
one old man with grumpy mustache and bald of course.

*He heard that man said something..*so, this is what that man said to all of them..
"for a fair selection everybody has to take the same exam: Please climb that tree"

everyone there were surprisingly relax and cool.

Ero felt so wrong for them..He then went to ask the man.. "why you ask them to climb the tree?"
that man answered "this is the rule..for a fair selection they needed to have the same situations and the same rules to guide them" 

Ero felt wrong and curios.. why were all of the animals there were so cool..is that they really can climb the tree? the goldfish can even climb up the tree? those big ass elephant can do that? and a little feet penguin with weird hand with no fingers can climb up the tree too? sea lion with fat tummy down to the earth? 

how this exam can take place with the condition of differentiation in a range of level 9999 for them?

but then he remembered.

he had some friend that really can make it true for them.

nothing to be worried with penguin...they conquered everything tho!

"stefrano can even dance...why would i care?" Ero said.

any complained for this little one? nope...He felt so relieved for the goldfish.

but then

he remembered that big ass elephant with giant trunk and big ears...

he can only remembered this one 
which is he get a little bit confuse to believe or not either he can do it.

i make it small...so this might not offense u guys...


then Ero sing a song sounds like this: 

*gajah hidungnya panjang gelek gelek*

he got no worries anymore. 
he killed the curiosity or get killed with it?
we dont know

i pray for Ero's happiness.

Curiosity Killed the Cats


nek in cats mode...

so dont expect me to nag more..

i will just meow-ing...from here...from the corner..

please notice me.

if your curiosity is high...but u cant ask...
what would u do?

Saturday 14 February 2015



there is the time 

where u know nothing

and u keeps worrying


something that nothing or everything

u just cant


Wednesday 11 February 2015

What it Feels to Keep Running



let's see how wonderful she is.

Gembira dan Risau


*nenek naggin early early so uols wont see my miserable face later on*

I actually worrying bout my future..don't know what will it becomes..i had plans..but yeah..keep worrying if it can be as what I'm expecting it could be..

bila risau tu datang..nek selalu harapkan someone come and said this word for me.

not asking too much bout what i had been through but that someone can calm me and believe in me that EVERYTHING IS OK..

hahaahahahahaha -_-

Tuesday 10 February 2015




nek lemau tapi nak kena buat kerja..jom layan ni.

satu lagi ok la untuk boleh juga try

tapi headhunterz ni macam lebih kurang skrillex je..macam je la..
nek salu suka macam dua kat atas ni untuk study..
tapi cecucu
kalau macam berjiwa gadis gadis sikit boleh cuba

yizlumik skit best layan

apa-apa pon cara korang pilih la dengan tepat..jangan nanti muzik yang lebih..

macam nek tengah buat sekarang...

nek dah lebihkan muzik..




happiness is when u do not have anything to do...and cash in pocket.

Monday 9 February 2015



*good afternoon and have a nice day everyone*

at last! after of all my wasted time last night...my project's approach had been ACCEPTED!

i was likeeee!

after re-do and remake everything..yes!

even did not do anything last night...super last time person manage to get it right! yo!

while celebrating 

i come to realize that i need to start writing my thesis chapter 1 and 2..

not to mention to refine the approach.

but yeah..thanks Allah..i manage to see the path of my research..scheduling and brainstorming my works would be great i guess..

Before and After Monday



last night i'm really into the mood to not to do any works.

so what am i doing when i actually should done my work but my brain refuse to do it.

keep hearing the sound of the wind outside of my window..and yeah this is not literally because i stay all night at living hall opening my window widely. 

then panicking myself for not doing anything.

then...my night passing by...sun rise (alhamdulillah) i did not even get to sleep..wasting my time..

here i'm during early in the morning in my lab...trying to open my eyes as wide as my window last night.

it creep myself tho.

btw guys...have a nice day..

The Blushing Scale



here you! have you ever feel so blushing?

let's scale it how it goes..

tonight i had experienced really really embarrassed 

editing is really not my thing.

Sunday 8 February 2015



*tak jawab dosa...jawab saiyang*

selamat petang ahad...petang petang ni seronok makan goreng pisang panas dengan cecah kicap...dapat pula teh o ais...yummeyh..tapi takde lah nek tengah kunyah goreng pisang...

nek moden *scroll timeline fb/twitter*

tadi ade ternampak pasal saudari yang di salah sangka dan hak dia dicabuli...ade media ambik gambar dia letak caption bukan bukan..mak aih...dah mencuri tu dah salah..letak cerita bukan bukan pulak tu...

nek nasihatkan.. bawak lah mengucap dan bersegera lah mintak maaf dengan saudari terbabit...ape ape kan ade mulut untuk bertanya...ade laman sosial untuk menaip pertanyaan berkenaan dengan keraguan di hati kalau lihat gambar-gambar yang diragui...bukan ambik dan buat cerita bukan bukan..

what do u expect on that person? adakah berbuat demikian semata untuk mendapat sambutan like dan comment orang untuk bash saudari tersebut? sedar tak perbuatan tersebut sangat tidak bermoral? tak sedar? ok..pergi mintak maaf..

*public response*

ini jugak satu kerja..

muncul nya media-media yang mengutamakan pandangan public daripada memberi informasi yang benar adalah kerana public responds yang dahagakan negativiti...

nampak yang pelik terus nak bash ni..nak jadi keybard warrior...nak betulkan salah orang...nak dapat banyak like dan comment sependapat..nak bagi hadis hadis dan komen yizlumik...


sebelum berkata...kita kena tengok...informasi itu benar atau salah cucu cucuku sekelian..

nek pon sama lah..kadang kadang ngelihat something lain daripada yang lain...tertanya tanya...setan tu kat kiri tu dok tiup tiup suruh komen...suruh fikir orang tu salah...suruh betulkan salah orang tu...

haih...salah setan plak?

salah sapa?

diri sendiriiiii hoi....

haaaa marilah kita bertaubat bersama...eish eish...moga industri buli siber ini mudah runtuh hendakNya...rakyat malaysia ni baik baik..tapi sentiasa porak peranda disebabkan menda yang macam ni lah...tak gittew?

u see something weird...u judge...but u do not know that it is some of knowledge that u don't have it in your brain..so, this is your fault or that person fault for knowing that knowledge?

moral is: get to KNOW...before JUDGE...why judge? u need to judge to FILTER some knowledge. how to judge? certainly not within KEYBOARD..u can use your BRAIN.

people nowadays aaa always forget they got brain aaa...i think this is because we always with devices..our brain on hands and hands on keyboard meh. (kkk just kidding maa) why so serious.

*di atas adalah pendapat peribadi seorang nenek yang gojes dan tidak berhati nurani sangat...sebarang percanggahan pendapat adalah hak masing-masing...penggunaan kata-kata saya adalah peribadi yang tidak semestinya kalian boleh cabul...ahak ahak....jika memperinginkan bash terhadap pendapat ini silalah bertaubat dan meminta kebenaran pihak saya terlebih dahulu...perkara yang boleh dibawa bincang kita boleh buat sesi open table..sekian wassalam*

Friday 6 February 2015

Refresh diri cara Nenek


*saiyaaang apa khabar dengan mu...*

nek penat ni buat kerja (tolong percaya please)

sebab badan rasa lemau sangat lama mengadap kerja/pc/laptop

cuba tegakkan badan anda seminit dua..inshaAllah..segar balik..hilang ngantuk.

sambil tu boleh jaga posture badan

selamat mencuba..

bai sambung buat kerja balik.

Silent Killer


*jawab ler bersopan dan doa yang bebaik sedokah namanya*

just random thing which is I always take as a rule when it is needed.

but most of the times I choose to nag...because if everyone gonna stay silent..no noise will be produce. hahahaha JK bro!

as I said I will nag...as I know this human being are not psychic or having six senses that could read your mind...please do not be too ambitious to think of your silent mode is powerful enough for people to feel guilty or whatever you hope they feel.

Silent is good...but not effective all the times...as human got IGNORANCE as their key for your silent...hahaha...so yup...silent is not always works well on everyone.

people notice doesnt really mean they care...they just feel enough with your drama..

keep going with drama queen.

i love to be the queen


Thursday 5 February 2015

Deal With Problems


*jawab saiyang tak jawab dosa*

today might be the day that u might have so many problems and issues..may Allah ease everything for you first of all..

problems not gonna solved unless u go for it...if u keep running away from problems..it might get worst..

my teacher once said "if you keep running away..you not gonna solve anything..go for it..solve and face the problems"

I really did as what he said..my problems solved and my burden ease.

think for solutions...not how to run/ignore the problems.

and if you keep complaining..here's some opinion on it..right into our face right! 

I'm gonna keep complaining and nagging anyway.

solve it nicely..if it not effective in a nice way...be spartaaaaa!


have a nice day u guys

Simple Bridal Shower


*tak jawab dosa, jawab saiyang*

oleh sebab nek eksaited much dengan hari bahagia kawan nek ni...nek postpone balik kampung yang sepatutnya nek balik ujung bulan januari 30/1/15 lepas...demimu sobat...leulz..tak payah nak dramatik sangat..

nek balik raya cina ni teruih...gong xi fa cai maaa...kena balik lor...need to gather with family and friends..ramai kawan sekolah kawen raya cina ni...oke skip kawan skolah kawen..

back to shazreen's bridal showe...actually takde lah majlis gempak whatsoever...it is something we als gegel DIO(do it ourselves)...bilik masterbedroom rumah sewa syurga keduaku ni kosong lagi..so kami amik kesempatan untuk decorate sendiri bilik tu...untuk gegel pyjamas party...well kite tune sikit jadi kelawar's party...hahaha everyone needed to wear baju kelawar...

hari pertama shazzy datang tu kami ke MP specifically ke KAISON tu je beli barang-barang untuk partyy kononnya tu...beli belon..beli scrapbook untuk shazzy...beli bunga untuk photoshoot (bajet pengantin)..yang decoration tu bajet kami bridesmaids. after that pergi makan solat dan terus shoot ke klebang (dekat padang pasir hat depa dok ambik gamba lelawa tu).

dah banyak bebel atas tu...mari kita terus ke gambar...ni just roughly posts untuk bagi korang idea yang bole korang try...untuk majlis kawan korang atau majlis sendiri...now let's?

belon belon yang kebanyakan ini ikhlas daripada udara hembusan hasil kerja keras paru - paru kami sendiri....

bawah belon tu tilam empuk kami..

this one aku decorate...tak tau lah sebab tangan tak kretip..boleh la kan kan...bajet cecukup makan je.

ajet ajet je ni...jangan lah bash.

will miss u so much dear...

nak tunjuk tempat ni cantik...sebab tu aku besar kan gambar ni (sile percaye)

bagai monyet comel mendapat bunga... (kasi can la aku letak comel)

hahaha...gadis dan bunga...tapi aku tak minat bunga...demi mu sobat...


bride 2 be warna merah tu...kami yang lain semua baju hitam....wish u happily ever after (till jannah)

bridesmaidddd je ni....sorang tak cukup...busy ngalah menteri...hahaha hope u were here sapikah.

sebelom depa balik keyel...lepak minom..coffee addiction is still there...within us...ahahahaha

well actually kami ade ke tempat urut (thai wadee) oleh sebab tak merancang kami bantai je urut satu badan...sebenarnya nak buat spa session..tapi tak jadi...gambar not include la walaupon proper...(berurut tak bukak baju pon)..hihik...tapi have a lot of fun..

malam pyjamas party tu kami bermask party juga...before going to dreamland kami bersesi luahan perasaan...macam biasa lah gegel kan...(already missed u guys)

banyak aktiviti menarik lagi...scrapbook pon ade kami buat untuk bride-2-be ni...untuk lanjut bole stalk sendiri...hahahaha...kalau korang rajen...

dah penat buang masa...mari bekerja pula..

p/s: make it simple but memorable...events is passing by but memories remains. 

Wednesday 4 February 2015

Saya Nak RM150 Produk Percuma daripada Nile.com.my

assalamualaikum dan selamat pagi everyone...nek nak join nile.com.my giveaway ni...aherher...

menariknya...anda pilih barangan yang anda mahukan dan total up semua barang tidak boleh lebih daripada RM150. senang mudah dan menarik kan! marilah join nenek masuk giveaway syok ni.

di bawah ini antara barangan yang nenek idamkan... (semangat nak kurus menusuk kalbu sikit)

sibls6923 Two Wheels Power Stretch Abs Rollers = RM28.50


i'm so into their sports part...and handbags..

banyak lagi barangan menarik dan murah disana...

total up semua barangan yang nek inginkan ni seperti di bawah :
RM28.50+RM42.80+RM46.70+RM30.90= RM148.90 

hope for my rezeki in this cny giveaway..
good luck guys!

cc: thanks to cik myra and via lyssasecret.com 

Tuesday 3 February 2015

Tahap Complicated Perempuan


this happens all the times

lepas tu bernawaitukan besoknya nak diet...betul dah tu...sebab lepas esok ade lagi esoknya...

good luck la gegel yang bole menahan nafsu tu....tahniah nek ucapkan..




just tell them when u dont need their present in your life...it would be better than ignoring them.
don't be mean..
you waste other's time.